meatloaf with chicken liver
beef strips in orange-chili sauce
baked sweet potato frittata
hartig zuurkooltaartjeZuurkool, you either love it or you hate it. Maar 1 ding is zeker: het hangt er heel erg vanaf hoe je het klaarmaakt. Wedden dat deze in de smaak valt, zelfs bij zuurkool-haters? hearty sauerkraut pieSauerkraut, you either love it or you hate it. But one thing's for sure: it depends on how you prepare it. I'll bet that even the sauerkraut haters will love this recipe!
paleo snert
pea-less pea soupI’m so happy! Pea soup is a typical Dutch dish, and I will forever associate the winter with a steaming bowl full, just the way momma made it. There are few foods that I really miss since I went Paleo, but this is certainly one that I always crave when the winter sets in. Peas are legumes and contain certain anti-nutrients, and are thus not part of a Paleo diet. Although my gut is thankful, it always hurts a little when I have to refuse this traditional Dutch comfort-food…. A few weeks back, I stumbled upon a recipe that made pea soup without actual peas. I was a little sceptical at first (pea soup without peas??), especially since the soup was made with celeriac, which i’m not a big fan of…But this morning I decided to drop one into my shopping cart and give it a try. I decided on chicken stock as a basis for the soup, and I added broccoli and kale to the celeriac for my daily portion of greens. The soup was really easy to make (not to mention inexpensive!), and I was ecstatic when I tasted it and discovered that it actually does taste like my beloved pea soup! I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do. I’m off to get a second helping!
searchCaro🇳🇱Dutch / 🇳🇿 Kiwi ArchievenCategorieën
receptenRunderreepjes Sinaasappel-Chili
Gerookte kip, garnalen & bosbessen Vijfkruiden Kalkoenschnitzel Bacon rustend broccoli quiche Courgetti, Dulse & Avocado pesto Zoete aardappel rosti Paleo Bananabread Ridiculously Good Brownie Bbq Bloemkool Steaks Fruitige Vega(n) lasagne Gevulde Pompoen Paleo Snert Hartig zuurkooltaartje Bloemkoolrijst Gevulde Pompoenwraps Wortel-Pompoensoep Sperzieboon frietjes Coleslaw Zoete aardappel oven-frittata No-Oatmeal Kip, Mango & Garnalensalade Kip-mango curry Chicken du bacon Honing, gember & sesam drumsticks Paleo "KFC" Gehaktbrood met kippenlevertjes Pistache gehaktballen Gebakken Sinaasappelzalm Satesaus (Pindavrij) Vanille-bosbessenjam Verse appelmoes Gingerbread cookies Choco-coco bliss muffins Paleo& vegan kruidnoten Paleo pompoenbrood Kokos-limoentaart Carrot-cake pancakes Vegan strawberry-lime cheesecake Pompoen & Pindakaas Blondies Golden muffins White chocolate & cherry cheesecake Peanutbutter choc chip cookies Raw snowballs Paleo boterkoek Appel anijscake Paleo chocolate mousse Bosbessen kastanjemuffins Carrot cake brownies Choco-chai muffins Choco-hazelnut bonbons Fruit flensjes Mini appeltaart Kersen'kwark'taart Paleo granola Wortel-kaneel pudding Paleo kokosmakronen Paleo bananacake Peren kastanjetaart Hot Cross Buns |